New Candidates for Diaconal Ordination

10 January, 2011


At the December 2010 formation day at Wonersh, His Grace, Peter Smith, Archbishop of Southwark conferred Candidacy on nine men in their last year of formation. These men had previously been admitted to the minor offices of Lector and Acolyte.


The Candidates come from the Archdioceses of Cardiff (Richard Withers) and Southwark (Matthew Manoharan and Jolyon Vickers) and the Dioceses of Arundel & Brighton (Paul Gately, Simon Kirkdale, Neil Mercer and Dave Turner), Brentwood (Michael Smith) and Northampton (Klaus Reidel).


The students have all successfully completed a Foundation Degree in Pastoral Ministry with the majority now pursuing further studies for a BA Honours Degree in Theology, both degrees being undertaken through St. Mary’s University College, Twickenham.


Please pray for these Candidates and their families as they complete their formation and prepare for ordination later in 2011.

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